Senin, 20 Agustus 2007

guggenheim bilbao- hall of shame

One of the world’s most famous buildings, this museum is in many ways an attractive and impressive piece of architecture. Unfortunately, as a public space it is extremely unsuccessful -- even dangerous.

What Puts Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in the Hall of Shame?
Though it is near the center of the city, the Guggenheim shuns any relation to its context. The building challenges locals and tourists (not to mentioned handicapped people) to enter some of the least inviting public spaces and entranceways anywhere.
The brutal design of the steps is demeaning to human beings. The endless blank and textureless surfaces are equally unfriendly. The lack of signage and amenity follow suit.
People pass through this space as quickly as possible as there is nothing to do here but be impressed by the architecture.
Bilbao is a very sociable city with a very sociable culture. This building has effectively banished social activity from its vast public spaces.

*komentar : wow.. ini sebuah kritikan dr pasangan dr NY, usa yang berbulan madu ke guggenheim-bilbao museum.. kritikan yang lumayan kejam buat sang arsitek. padahal museum ini kan merupakan salah satu karya arsitektur yang terkenal di spanyol dan juga menjadikan lambang dari kekuasaan negara tersebut. for more information :

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